
Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I use base R to import data?

  • How can I build my own functions to bettwe import data?

  • Learn base R function for reading data

  • Build advanced function in R to read data

Functions for data

Now that we know how to write functions, we can use this concept for preparing our data sets for analysis, generating the intermediary data files, and exporting them to CSV so that we can, for instance, share them with our collaborators.

Let’s start with the chunk from the manuscript:

## Gathering all the data files
split_gdp_files <- list.files(path = "../example-manuscript/data-raw", pattern = "gdp-percapita\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)

split_gdp_list <- lapply(split_gdp_files, read.csv)

gdp <- do.call("rbind", split_gdp_list)

The simplest function we can write from this chunk is simply to enclose these lines of code inside curly brackets and not forgetting to return the gdp variable on the last line:

gather_gdp_data <- function() {
    split_gdp_files <- list.files(path = "../example-manuscript/data-raww", pattern = "gdp-percapita\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
  split_gdp_list <- lapply(split_gdp_files, read.csv)
  gdp <- do.call("rbind", split_gdp_list)

We can make this function more general by using the folder where the files are stored and the pattern we use as arguments (path and pattern respectively). This way, we could re-use this function for another project where a similar operation (combining many CSV files into a single data.frame) would be needed.

gather_data <- function(path = "../example-manuscript/data-raw", pattern = "gdp-percapita\\.csv$") {
    split_files <- list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)
    split_list <- lapply(split_gdp_files, read.csv)
    gdp <- do.call("rbind", split_gdp_list)

A word of warning

Towards automation

We can create a make_csv function to automatically generate CSV files from our data sets. This might come handy if you want to send your intermediate datasets to your collaborators or if you want to inspect more closely that everything is working as it should.

This function takes a data frame and make a CSV file out of it.

make_csv <- function(obj, file, ...,  verbose = TRUE) {
    if (verbose) {
        message("Creating csv file: ", file)
    write.csv(obj, file = file, row.names = FALSE, ...)

Now, we can combine the two functions we just wrote (make_csv and gather_data) to generate a CSV file that contains the data from all countries:

gdp_data <- gather_data()
make_csv(gdp_data, file = "../data-output/gdp.csv")

Your turn

Transform into functions these two pieces of code.

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Turn this into a function called get_mean_lifeExp
mean_lifeExp_by_cont <- gdp %>%
    group_by(continent, year) %>%
    summarize(mean_lifeExp = mean(lifeExp)) %>%

## Turn this into a function called get_latest_lifeExp
latest_lifeExp <- gdp %>%
    filter(year == max(gdp$year)) %>%
    group_by(continent) %>%
    summarize(latest_lifeExp = mean(lifeExp)) %>%

Long computations

[aside: talk about it if time permits]

Caching is available in knitr but it can be pretty fragile. For instance, the caching is only based on whether the code in your chunk changes and doesn’t check if your data on your hard drive is changing.

In other cases, the output of your R code can’t be represented into a CSV files, so you need to save it directly into an R object.

## If you need to save an R object to avoid the repetition of long computations
make_rds <- function(obj, file, ..., verbose = TRUE) {
    if (verbose) {
        message("Creating rds file: ", file)
    saveRDS(obj, file = file)

Then in your knitr document, you can do:

gdp <- readRDS(file = "data-output/gdp.rds")

# or maybe even:

## An example of the kind of code you could use to work with time-consuming
## computations in R.
if ( !file.exists("data-output/gdp.rds")) {
    gdp <- gather_gdp_data() ## long computation...
    make_rds(gdp, file="data-output/gdp.rds")
gdp <- readRDS(file = "data-output/gdp.rds")

Key Points